that gender has an effect on physical and psycological well-being? (duh lol but)
here is a table to further demonstrate:
averages 12 breathes per minute
has lower core body temperature
has a slower heart rate
has more oxygen rich hemoglobulan in his blood
is more sensitive to sound
produces twice as much saliva
has a 10% larger brain
is 10x more likley to have attention deficit disorder
as a teen has a 5 minute attention span
more likely to be physically active
is more likley to be an alcoholic
averages 9 breathes per minute
has higher core body temperature
has a faster heart rate
has higher levels of protective immunoglobulin inher blood
is more sensitive to light
takes twice as long to process food
has more nuerons in certain brain regions
is twice as likely to hae an eating disorder
as a teen has an attention span of 20 minutes
is more likely to be overweight
is twice as likely to develope depression
%26quot;dianne hales%26quot;
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How exactly is this information important?
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Duh... we got larger brains, dude!
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Man power?
Did you know? wats that suppsed 2 mean..
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Wow. Bad news for the girls by the sound of it. The guys got most of the good stuff...
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is usually taller
usually have bigger foreheads
pretty interesting huh
yes it is
were did you get it from?
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very nice
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Woohoo!!! DOH!! we have a larger brain!!!
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Fascinating. I don%26#039;t know how I managed to survive without that knowledge before.
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yea..interesting indeed,lol..wher d%26#039;u get it form??
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thx for the info
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