Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Migraine Help?

I%26#039;m a 19 y/o female. Ive suffered from migraines since the age of 12. At that time I had an MRI and it showed Lesions (sp?) on my brain. The Dr. didnt say much more about it. Well lately I have been getting a migraine every day for a week. Before I get them I have noticed my chest on my left side starts to hurt, I start slurring my speech/ have trouble typing and then in about 15 minutes I get a migraine. Was at the hospital last week for a severe viral infection. While there my heart rate was in the upper 140 range they did an EKG and everything turned out ok. Now my resting heart rate is around 135. I have no insurance so I was wondering if anyone else has expierenced these symptoms or not, or should I go back to the hospital and have a huge bill to worry about?

Migraine Help?

I have heard of these symptoms before. I think something is going on neurologically with you. It really scares me that you are having slurred speech and the pain in your arm. There is a website I go to, I can share with you.

These people have SEVERE migraine issues. I post on the forum occasionally but I don%26#039;t have 1/4 of the problems with migraines these people do.

I think you should ask one of them. They are all pro%26#039;s at migraine and have been to several types of doctors to find relief.

I think you should probably go back to the hospital. I know it is expensive but it is your health --- and something could serious could be going on with you.

Please check out this site, these people have heard of all the symptoms and different things that can go on and I believe they can answer you better than I can. It%26#039;s a free website for migraine sufferers --that has a real nice message board/forum.

Migraine Help?

try feverfew herb for the migraines

Migraine Help?

I think you should go back to the ER,or at least your doctor.

Sounds to me like the doctor%26#039;s need to investigate more.

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