Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wives tales??

I know that they aren%26#039;t always right bt.... I want to gess the sex of my baby.. I am 1-12 weeks and jst want some entertainment lol.... any one know of any? I know that there is one about heart rate, at the last appt. the baby heart rate was 165, is that a girl or boy according to the tale??? ?

Wives tales??

閳?According to the old wives tale for bay%26#039;s heart rate - 165 is a girl. [[Below 140 is a boy, above 140 is a girl]]

Here are some more old wives tales: Some are funny, some are ridiculous, some just normal... but you said you wanted entertainment. Lolz... so here you go.

閳?Extra weight in the front means a girl while extra weigh on hips/butt mean its a boy.

閳?If a woman carries low its a boy, if a woman carries high its a girl.

閳?Dark nipples indiciate a boy.

閳?Hang your wedding ring [[or important ring]] from a string over your belly. If the ring swings back and forth your baby is a girl. If it swings around in a circle then it is a boy.

閳?Some say that if you can tell your baby閳ユ獨 sex by picking up a single key. If you pick the key up by big, round (top) part then you are having a boy. If you pick it up by the narrow part on the bottom then you are having a girl. Then, as if it isn閳ユ獩 detailed enough, if you pick the key up by the middle you are having TWINS!

閳?Take the mothers age at conception and the year of conception and add them together. If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way!

Congratulations and Good Luck!

Wives tales??

it%26#039;s a girl according to the wives tale

Wives tales??

I think this works its never failed in my family or with my baby. Get a needle on the end of a piece of cotton and hold it above the bump, if it spins round its a girl.. backwards and forwards its a boy!! have fun!!

Wives tales??

the faster the heartbeat, usually means its a boy. my babys heartbeat was always really fast and thats what the doctor told me and sure enough, its a boy.

Wives tales??


I was told my baby%26#039;s heart rate ran around 166 and the doctor exclaimed we had a boy. SURPRISE - it was a

A sonogram is the only thing I can think of.

Wives tales??

According to the wives%26#039; tales 165 heart rate is a girl.

There are several test and charts online that are pretty entertaining. Also, (though it may be too early for you) I%26#039;ve heard that if you can%26#039;t tell from behind that you%26#039;re expecting than you%26#039;re carrying a boy.

One more, if you%26#039;re craving sweet, girl. Sour food, boy.

Good luck and Congrats !!

I am dying to find out myself my sono is next week. Personal prediction = boy.

Wives tales??

According to the stories, a high rate is a girl and lower is a boy. 165 would be a girl. Check out for some other tests.

Wives tales??

If the heart rate is really fast its a girl.

Wives tales??

But the heartbeat tale has been proven wrong by me, my boy%26#039;s was 158...

Wives tales??

I%26#039;ve heard you carry boys low %26amp; girls high.

Wives tales??

It could vary from person to person. My sis and aunt were pregnant at the same time. My sis gained weight all over while my aunt was one big belly basketball. My sis carried low while my aunt carried high. My sis%26#039;s baby had a higher heart rate than my aunt. They each had boys !!! They were 6 mths apart !!! I%26#039;d go with the gut feeling. I felt like I was having a boy long before the ultrasound showed a %26quot;turtle%26quot; sign.

Wives tales??

girl but that wives tell does not work my aunt has to girls ones heartbeat was in the low 130 the other was in the hi 180 so it does not work

Wives tales??

According to the tale its a girl. Mine has been in the 160%26#039;s range all 3 times I%26#039;ve heard it. There is also a chinese gender prediction chart. According to that one its also a girl for me. I will get to find out in a few weeks. I%26#039;ll let you know if there was any truth to it for me.

Wives tales??

According to the wives tale it%26#039;s a girl. Mine was.

Also horrendous amount of %26quot;morning%26quot; sickness is supposed to mean a girl

And bad heartburn is supposed to mean a lot of hair.

Those were the three that I know of that were true for my baby.

Wives tales??

According to the tale, above 140 is a girl, below 140 is a boy, except in England, where it is the other way around. Then, of course, there is the tale about hanging your wedding ring from a string above your belly and if it goes in a circle its a girl and if it swings back and forth its a boy (or the other way around, depending on who you ask). If you pee in draino and it turns blue its a boy, pink its a girl. If you%26#039;re craving sweets its a girl, meat and cheese its a boy. You can look up the chinese birth calander, or whatever its called. That one is supposed to actually have a pretty good record predicting gender. There are a ton of tales out there, and you will be sure to hear them all before its all said and done.

My favorite one I%26#039;ve heard so far is, if you have a craving and dont eat what your craving, your baby will be born with a birth mark on their face the shape of whatever you were craving. Crazy!

Wives tales??

get a red string tie one end to a stick or pencil and put it over your wrist. if the string goes in a cirlce its a boy and if it goes back and forth its a girl.

Wives tales??

I don%26#039;t know about that one but in Portugal they say the shape of your bump will tell you, for example:

Round belly: Girl

Pointy belly:Boy

Wives tales??

I did a fun test on It gave me a 65% chance of having a girl. When I went for my ultrasound it turned out to be true. I wouldn%26#039;t say that they are totally accurate or believe them 100%, but like you said, they%26#039;re fun to do in the meantime. Good luck, have fun, and congrats on your pregnancy!!!

Wives tales??

There are other things to do... take one of your rings and use a thin string and have someone hold it over your belly and if it swings back and forth its a GIRL if is goes in circles its a BOY. The hear rate thing I dunno about that cuz my babys heart rate was slow at first and the highest I seen it 176... I%26#039;m having a boy. You can tell on how your caring. Also on line there is this Chinese Chart that you can find out what your having by putting in your due date

Wives tales??

%26quot;OTHER OLD WIVES TALES%26quot;:

1. If you have a dimple in your chin---It%26#039;s a girl

2. If your skin is free of blemishes----It%26#039;s a boy

3. If your belly hangs low----it%26#039;s a boy

4. If your belly is up high (almost to your chest)--It%26#039;s a girl

5. Several yeast infections------It%26#039;s a boy

6.Your hair grows faster----It%26#039;s a girl

Wives tales??

heres the thing.. when i was 12 weeks.. it was 167.. and now that the baby is bigger it is 152 (18 weeks ) the heartbeat gets slower as the baby grows because there is a bigger area to pump the blood.. soo... right now, i am not sure that the wives tale would be too accurate.. try the draino thing

Wives tales??

They say if you are carrying high its a girl and if you are carring low its a girl. Another one is, take a ring on a necklace and hold it over your stomach, ir it swings back and forth its a girl, and if it swings in a circle, it a boy. They say if you have alot of heart burn during your pregnacy its a boy.

Wives tales??

This is fun to try.....although with came out 50% boy-50% girl...what a help that was! lol! good luck!

Wives tales??

Try these gender prediction charts, they were right for me and all 5 of my sisters%26#039; pregnancies. Good luck and Best wishes!!

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